Bookmarks tagged AI

5 Feb
"Who gets to define the future? I have some notes."
18 Nov 2023
"Programmers are people who can endure an endless parade of tedious obstacles. Imagine explaining to a [novice] how to assemble furniture over the phone, with no pictures, in a language you barely speak. Imagine, too, that the only response you ever get is that you’ve suggested an absurdity and the whole thing has gone awry. All the sweeter, then, when you manage to get something assembled."
25 Sep 2023
"Accessing personal information from customers is a serious matter. With the launch of HEY in 2020, we developed some technology and processes to support a very simple principle: employees shouldn’t have access — intentionally or unintentionally — to personal information from our users without their explicit consent."
20 Sep 2023
"If a huge company sent a robot to your door to ask for a lock of your hair, would you give it to them? If they asked for one square inch of your land, would you sign it over? If they asked you to run on a treadmill for one minute a day for them, would you hop to it? What if they didn’t ask?"
10 Sep 2023
"AI might actually do pretty well building software using the waterfall process, which is also affectionately known as death march. You know who is terrible at waterfall? We are: human beings. And it’s not because of the part where the signed documents are handed over to a team of programmers so they can write the code. It’s everything before that. Artificial intelligence can do some extraordinary things, but it can’t read your mind or tell you what you should want."