Latest bookmarks (page 2 of 3)

20 Sep 2023
"If a huge company sent a robot to your door to ask for a lock of your hair, would you give it to them? If they asked for one square inch of your land, would you sign it over? If they asked you to run on a treadmill for one minute a day for them, would you hop to it? What if they didn’t ask?"
15 Sep 2023
"In a split window on your second monitor, Tyler Cowen is giving a TEDx talk. He says, 'Every time you're telling yourself a good vs evil story, you're basically lowering your IQ by ten points.' There are only a few such grand stories, he says — seven, or maybe a dozen."
13 Sep 2023
"No. 1 pick by Blackhawks in 2023 Draft says opportunity to meet idol 'has been great for me'"
13 Sep 2023
"The point from Xalavier is not that gamers should lower their standards. The point is that, to think of Baldur's Gate 3 as an immaculate polished release out of the gate is incorrect, and if you held other games to that standard it would not make sense - after all, Baldur's Gate 3 took three years from early access launch at $60 to where it releases in a polished state. Put simply, other games cannot be held to that standard because that standard is illusory."
13 Sep 2023
"I see 'local-first' as shifting reads and writes to an embedded database in each client via 'sync engines' that facilitate data exchange between clients and servers. Applications like Figma and Linear pioneered this approach, but it’s becoming increasingly easy to do."
10 Sep 2023
"AI might actually do pretty well building software using the waterfall process, which is also affectionately known as death march. You know who is terrible at waterfall? We are: human beings. And it’s not because of the part where the signed documents are handed over to a team of programmers so they can write the code. It’s everything before that. Artificial intelligence can do some extraordinary things, but it can’t read your mind or tell you what you should want."
9 Sep 2023
"Roy Underhill, a teacher, writer and the owner of The Woodwright's School in Pittsboro, is ready to take on his next project."
8 Sep 2023
"A hands-on introduction to backend development in Rust."
7 Sep 2023
"Both Miller's and my brother's bravery in exploring their own creative potential created a lasting impact"
6 Sep 2023
"I was searching for truth. Instead, I found a family."